Recognized throughout the world, as the MOST luxurious deep tissue massage. The practitioner is using feet to administer deep tissue pressure in a very relaxing manor.Allowing the practitioner to cover a larger muscle mass warming up the larger muscle groups in a very relaxing way. This is very therapeutic for the recipient, helping the spine to stretch and elongate with each stroke. This technique is endorsed for helping athletes, scoliosis, bulging/herniated discs, sciatica , degenerative disc, chronic back pain and much more.
Because deep compressions are used as a technique for this massage, this type of massage doesn’t break blood vessels, so the client does not experience the pain as when having traditional or deep tissue massages. While deep tissue massage can be rough for superficial tissues, Ashiatsu does not cause damage, and also makes for more efficient work for the therapist.
During this massage, tissues are often stretched in two different directions which helps adhesions and scar tissue recover from previous injuries or stress along with providing improvement of flexibility. Additionally, Ashiatsu is a great solution for stretching ligaments as well, like the iliotibial band that runs between the knees and hips. This band is responsible for stabilizing the knee, but can often generate lateral knee pain in athletes, especially runners.
The amazing experience of Ashiatsu massage can take clients to a different dimension, and a deeper state of relaxation. As cortisol levels are reduced, the heart rate slows, and both body and mind become calm. Stress is replaced with peace, and the client reaches a level of composure and silence that are incredibly soothing. This leads to an overall state of well-being.
Ashiatsu Massage provides a deeper, more meaningful experience than other massages, so the effects therefore last longer. The deep compression stokes stimulate blood circulation and both the lymphatic and parasympathetic nervous system, the effects of which can allow you to achieve a better quality of life.
60 Minute Massage – $85
75 Minute Massage – $100
90 Minute Massage – $120